Discussion on Tesla from my Webinar on 8/2/20
In my Educational Product, I conduct regular Stock Screening Webinars for members. During the Q&A portion of my webinar on August 2nd, I was asked about my thoughts on Tesla. Since the stock has been in the news so much recently, I wanted to share this video. The next webinar is Sunday, August 23rd at 7PM EST. If you are looking for regular real-time market analysis, stock ideas, and stock screening webinars, please visit the [...]
Clip from Weekend Video to Educational Members 8/15/20
In my Educational Product, I produce videos twice a week with market analysis and stock ideas. I also conduct regular Stock Screening Webinars. The next webinar is Sunday, August 16th at 11AM EST. Here is a clip from the video I produced for members this weekend. Please keep in mind that I will not regularly update this blog with my current market thoughts. I am just trying to give people a feel for the type [...]
Jesse Livermore’s Trading Rules Written in 1940
Jesse Livermore was one of the greatest traders who ever lived. You can read more about him here. Here are his trading rules written in 1940. You will find that many of them still apply today, proving that very little changes in the market over time. 1. Nothing new ever occurs in the business of speculating or investing in securities and commodities. 2. Money cannot consistently be made trading every day or every week during [...]
Clip from Weekend Video to Educational Members 8/2/20
In my Educational Product, I produce videos twice a week with market analysis and stock ideas. I also conduct regular Stock Screening Webinars. Here are the first 9 minutes of the video I produced for members this weekend. Please keep in mind that I will not regularly update this blog with my current market thoughts. I am just trying to give people a feel for the type of detailed analysis I am providing with my [...]
Clip from Webinar for Educational Members 7/26/20
In my Educational Product, I produce videos twice a week with market analysis and stock ideas. I also conduct regular Stock Screening Webinars. Here are the first 16 minutes of the one hour and 20 minute Webinar I did for Members on Sunday. If you are looking for regular real-time market analysis, stock ideas, and stock screening webinars, please visit the following link to sign up: https://joefahmy.com/investor-education. I can be reached at: jfahmy@zorcapital.com. Disclaimer: [...]
Clip from Weekend Video to Educational Members 7/18/20
In my Educational Product, I produce videos twice a week with market analysis and stock ideas. Here is a clip from this Weekend's Video. Please keep in mind that I will not regularly update this blog with my current market thoughts. I am just trying to give people a feel for the type of detailed analysis I am providing with my product. If you are looking for regular real-time market analysis, stock ideas, and stock [...]