Random Market Thoughts
I haven’t updated my blog in a while, so here are some random market thoughts (in no particular order): 1) Many market participants are frustrated mainly because there are two different markets going on right now. The Nasdaq Composite is going through a correction and many growth stocks are 30-50% off their highs, but the S&P 500 just closed at an all-time high. How does one deal with this? You have to come up with [...]
Clip from Weekend Video to Educational Members 3/6/21
In my Educational Product, I produce videos twice a week with market analysis and stock ideas. I also conduct regular Stock Screening Webinars. The next webinar is Sunday, March 7th at 7PM EST. Here is a clip from the video I produced for members this weekend. Please keep in mind that I will not regularly update this blog with my current market thoughts. I am just trying to give people a feel for the type [...]
Clip from Weekend Video to Educational Members 2/13/21
In my Educational Product, I produce videos twice a week with market analysis and stock ideas. I also conduct regular Stock Screening Webinars. The next webinar is Monday, February 15th at 7PM EST. Here is a clip from the video I produced for members this weekend. Please keep in mind that I will not regularly update this blog with my current market thoughts. I am just trying to give people a feel for the type [...]
Random Market Thoughts
I haven’t updated my blog in a while, so here are some random market thoughts (in no particular order): 1) Two Friday’s ago (January 29th), many sentiment measures (CNN Fear/Greed, Equity put/call, etc.) showed their highest levels of bearishness since November 2nd. This past week in the market was the strongest since…you guessed it…the first week of November. It’s amazing how quickly sentiment changes in this market. A few weeks ago, everyone was a genius [...]
Market Memo To Educational Members (1/14/21)
Here is a note I sent to Educational Members tonight (Thursday, January 14th). Please keep in mind that I will not regularly update this blog with my current market thoughts. I am just trying to give people a feel for the type of detailed analysis I am providing with my educational product. If you are looking for regular real-time market analysis and stock idea generation, please visit the following link to sign up: https://joefahmy.com/investor-education As [...]
Focus on Your Mindset in 2021
There are so many books about the stock market but very few that discuss market psychology. It’s a shame because 80% of your investing success has to do with your psychology. I don’t care if you have the greatest strategy in the world. If your head is not right, you won’t execute it properly. 2020 was a strong year for the US markets. Unfortunately, many people struggled last year. When you dig into the reasons [...]