

Led Zeppelin: Best. Band. Ever.

In December 2012, the greatest Rock and Roll band of all time received the prestigious Kennedy Center Honors. The following video is the 22-minute ceremony honoring Led Zeppelin. Here are the highlights: 1) I agree with Jack Black when he describes Led Zeppelin as the "Best Band Ever." 2) The audience is filled with many dignitaries, including President Obama and First Lady Michelle. It's awesome to see the entire crowd almost "feel the music" in [...]

February 21st, 2013|

The Greatest Trading Book Ever

About 3 months ago, a 22 year-old friend of a friend (we'll call him Mike) asked if he could sit down with me and pick my brain about stock trading. I agreed, and we met for an hour over a couple of beers. At the end, Mike said to me: "I asked to discuss trading with you, and for the last hour you gave me great advice, but you said NOTHING about trading?" Last week, [...]

February 17th, 2013|

Please Stop With The Nonsense

I haven't written a blog post in a while, so here are a few thoughts going through my head right now: 1) I see so many angry bears out there. They argue EVERY DAY with such bitterness about the market grinding up. My advice to them is: "Don't focus on what you THINK the market should be doing, focus on what it is ACTUALLY doing." There's tons of liquidity out there, STOP ARGUING WITH IT! [...]

February 14th, 2013|

Stay Humble

"Every day I assume every position I have is wrong." --- Paul Tudor Jones When the market is strong, everyone is a genius. Since 4 out of 5 stocks move with the general direction of the market, pretty much any stock you pick will move higher during an uptrend. I have always said that "strong markets tend to forgive your mistakes." In other words, you can buy extended stocks or not be as strict with [...]

January 27th, 2013|

The Number One Challenge For Traders

I get many emails about stock trading. Although the questions cover a wide range of topics, I usually read the same theme in between the lines: Uncertainty, fear, lack of confidence, etc. I can sum them up in one word: Indecision. The number one challenge traders face is the ability to make decisions. When do I sell? I own too many stocks, what should I do? I see the setup, but I can't pull the trigger [...]

January 19th, 2013|

Defending Jim Cramer

Oh boy! If the title of this blog post alone bothers you, then do me a favor and don't continue reading. If you're cool and open-minded, then please read on 🙂 I don't know Jim Cramer. I've never met him, never spoken to him, but I have tremendous respect for the man. I was recently on a plane reading his book Confessions of a Street Addict (which is a great book by the way) and the [...]

January 2nd, 2013|
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