

Extreme Fear

There is a phenomenon going on that I've never seen in my 17 years of trading: EXTREME FEAR. What makes it so strange to me is that it exists with people who are both in the market AND out of the market. I'll give you two examples: EXAMPLE #1 - I speak to many potential investors. It amazes me how many people have been in 80-90% cash for the past 3-5 years. They've missed out on [...]

May 22nd, 2013|

VIDEO: Interview with J.C. Parets, CMT

Here is an interview with fund manager J.C. Parets (@allstarcharts on Twitter and StockTwits). J.C. is a Chartered Market Technician with a great eye for charts. In addition, he looks at all the Global Markets, so he has a great feel for what is happening worldwide. Enjoy the video! Follow me on Twitter @jfahmy Follow me on StockTwits @jfahmy

May 21st, 2013|

Don’t Trade If Your Head Is Not Clear

This past week or so has been great for momentum traders. It's finally nice to see growth stocks breakout consistently and move higher. I have a friend that I talk to regularly who trades similar to me. We exchange ideas, talk about charts, etc. Here's a quick story with a HUGE lesson behind it. About 10 days ago, my friend got into a big fight with his girlfriend. He was invested in the market, but [...]

May 14th, 2013|

Paul Tudor Jones – 60 Minutes Interview

I am a huge fan of studying success. Why? Because success leaves clues. In other words, if you are looking to be successful at something, study someone who has already been successful in that area, and LEARN FROM THEM. When it comes to trading, one of my biggest heroes is Paul Tudor Jones. Rather than giving you his bio, you can read about him on Wikipedia. I highly recommend that you also read his interview in Market Wizards. [...]

May 5th, 2013|

A Big Challenge For Many Traders

When it comes to analyzing the market and deciding how much capital to commit, everyone has different strategies. For me, I learned many of the principles taught by Jesse Livermore and William O'Neil. Specifically, follow the price action of leading stocks and analyze the price and volume of the major market averages. For example, when I see leading stocks break down and distribution builds up in the market, I raise cash and wait for better [...]

April 9th, 2013|

5 Reasons I Like Netflix

Netflix, Inc. (ticker symbol: $NFLX) provides Internet television network service that enables subscribers to stream TV shows and movies directly on TVs, computers, and mobile devices in the United States and internationally. I assume the title of this blog post gives away that I am bullish on the stock, so let's jump into the reasons why: 1) Strong fundamentals. Although their revenue growth has slowed recently, earnings are expected to grow +372% this year and +118% in [...]

March 20th, 2013|
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