A Few Thoughts on Monday’s Selloff
At first, you might laugh at the title and say: "What selloff? The market was only down -0.41%." Keep in mind I mainly trade individual growth stocks and beneath the surface, there was some damage today. 1) Relative to how much the general market was down, an abnormal amount of stocks were down over -4% on Monday. 2) The IBD 50 (an index consisting of market growth leaders) was down -2.2% on Monday. It was also down [...]
A Market Scenario that Frustrates the Most People
A scenario that would frustrate the most people is if the market stays in a range for a while. Let me explain: 1) The perma-Bears want the market to go down and STAY down. I'm assuming it's because they've missed the rally, they feel the market is overvalued, they're afraid to buy near highs, or they're just miserable people in general. Of course the market will have pullbacks and shakeouts, but I don't see a [...]
5 Reasons to Stay Bullish Over the Near-Term
1) The NUMBER ONE criteria I use to evaluate the overall health of the market is the price action of leading stocks. Right now, I am finding many strong fundamental companies forming strong technical patterns. When I see this across many sectors, the market has a high probability of doing well. 2) Seasonally, we are heading into one of the strongest times of the year. April 9 to 21 is traditionally a very good period, [...]
The 3 Hardest Jobs in the World
1) Consistently outperforming the stock market. The key word is "consistent" because to be the best at ANYTHING you have to be consistent. Michael Jordan is not considered one of the best basketball players of all-time because he scored 30 points ONCE in a game. It's because he "consistently" averaged 30 points per game over a 15-20 year career. Paul Tudor Jones is not considered one of the best money managers ever because he was positive one [...]
No June Rate Hike
One strong Jobs Report last Friday and it's the end of the world, huh? That's it, the Fed is going to raise rates and the market has topped. For those who don't know me, I'm being sarcastic. Here are a few thoughts: 1) This week, you will hear non-stop discussions about the Fed. My best advice is don't get brainwashed by the financial media. LEARN TO THINK ON YOUR OWN! If you are easily influenced, [...]
Fox Business Video: Bullish Market Outlook
The following Fox Business video is a market discussion I had today (2/16/15) with JC Parets and Liz Claman. Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxbusiness.com">video.foxbusiness.com</a> I can be reached at: jfahmy@zorcapital.com. Follow me on Twitter @jfahmy Follow me on StockTwits @jfahmy Tickers discussed in this video: $DIA $IBB $IWM $MDY $QQQ $SPY $XLE $XLF $XLV