

More Negatives than Positives, but…

Part of my investment philosophy is to look at the positive and negative signs in the market and adjust my investment levels accordingly. It is important to keep an open mind when doing this. Don’t get too caught up in what “you think the market should be doing.” Flexibility is important but being stubborn gets you nowhere. Here are some observations: 1) All the major indexes are below their 10-week moving averages. This is important [...]

August 9th, 2015|

Paul Tudor Jones on Jesse Livermore

One of the greatest trading books ever written is Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. The original book was published in 1923, but in 2010, an Annotated Edition was produced by Jon Markman. This edition reveals the truth about Jesse Livermore and provides colorful, historically accurate commentary on the characters, places, and events that have made Reminiscences such an enjoyable and educational read for generations. The foreward to the Annotated Edition is written by legendary trader Paul [...]

July 13th, 2015|

It’s a terrible thing to live in fear

In my 19 years of trading, I’ve never seen so much bearishness, fear, and apathy, especially with the market at all-time highs. I’m not talking about the long-only, buy and hold crowd. Those people are always bullish and they NEVER sell. They just ride the market all the way up, and then all the way down during corrections. I’m mostly talking about the trading community, potential clients I talk to, and many of the sentiment [...]

June 18th, 2015|

Stock Picker’s Market

Back in 2007, one of my favorite money managers, Ken Heebner, was up +80% for the year while the S&P 500 was only up +3.5%. How did he do it? He was concentrated in the best stocks from the strongest sectors. I remember it well because I was focused on the same stocks and I was up +72% that year. Some will argue that he gave a great deal of his gains back, but that [...]

June 14th, 2015|

Random Thoughts

Every one of these topics could be a separate blog post, but I'm just going to fire off a few things going through my head right now (in no particular order): 1) I keep hearing about how we should prepare for a "higher rate environment." Why are very few people taking about the possibility of rates staying low for the next 3-5 years? 2) No one wants to commit to this market with any conviction. [...]

May 27th, 2015|

Stocks Showing Great Relative Strength

The following is a video of stocks showing relative strength. The purpose of this video is to pass along some of my experiences from 18 years of trading, and to provide education and market commentary. If you have any questions, you can email me directly at Thank you for watching and good luck trading! Charts are provided by MarketSmith. To learn more or for a trial, click here! Follow me on Twitter @jfahmy Follow [...]

May 9th, 2015|
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