

VIDEO Clips From My Wall Street Week Appearance

Some of you may remember the iconic financial show "Wall Street Week." It aired many years ago on Friday nights on PBS and was hosted by financial legend Louis Rukeyser. The show was resurrected last year by Wall Street titans Anthony Scaramucci and Gary Kaminsky. I was more than humbled when they asked me to be a guest this weekend, as it is considered one of the most prestigious financial shows on television. I am [...]

December 4th, 2016|

Why This Is A New Bull Market

There is a popular definition in the financial media that a Bear Market is a -20% correction in the S&P 500. Don't listen to it! It is wrong! This definition has hurt too many investors because they keep hearing this "7-year Bull Market is getting too long in the tooth" and it's about to end. It has kept many people out of the market when we are potentially just starting a new Bull Market uptrend. [...]

November 25th, 2016|

Why The Pain Trade Is Higher

Six weeks before the election, I wrote an article for Yahoo Finance titled "The Market Is Forecasting a Donald Trump Victory.” In 24 hours after the post, I received over 500 hate emails. I have no problem with that part but I did have a problem with people reacting on emotion rather than using rational thought. As I stated in the post, it wasn't a political statement. It was simply my interpretation of the price [...]

November 13th, 2016|

Late Night Thoughts On The Election

I'm writing this post very late on Tuesday night with the Dow Futures down over -700 points. It's late, we're all exhausted, but I'd like to make a few points: 1) If you are being a drama queen about this election, please stop! This isn't "the worst thing that has happened to you in your life." Enough with the cataclysmic doom bullshit and needing to move to another country. Grow up! You're embarrassing yourself if [...]

November 9th, 2016|

No One Is Bigger Than The Game

I started writing a blog post about the different market scenarios that could occur after the election and I quickly realized that anything can happen. For example, a Clinton win could result in a relief rally or a drop in the market if the recent selling is due to something other than the election (inflation, higher rates, Brexit effect, Italian referendum, or something unknown to us right now). A Trump win could result in a [...]

November 7th, 2016|

Is The Stock Market Predicting A Trump Victory?

My job is to interpret what I see in the stock market and the market is forecasting a Donald Trump victory. That is one of the reasons why the market has been strong and will continue to be strong. Contrary to what you hear from almost everyone in the media, the market will NOT crash if Trump wins, and the market will NOT decline sharply if he does well in the upcoming debates and surges [...]

September 26th, 2016|
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