

The American Dream

“In 1923, seven men who had made it to the top of the financial success pyramid met together at the Edgewater Hotel in Chicago. Collectively, they controlled more wealth than the entire United States Treasury, and for years the media had held them up as examples of success. Who were they? Charles M. Schwab, president of the world’s largest steel company; Arthur Cutten, the greatest wheat speculator of his day; Richard Whitney, president of the [...]

December 25th, 2017|

Can You Have the Best of Both Worlds?

There is a never-ending debate in the financial world about passive vs. active investing. As an active manager, you would think I’m about to bash passive investing, but the honest truth is I think there is room for both strategies in everyone’s portfolio. Here’s the problem: Everyone wants the best of both worlds. When the market goes up, they want to sit passively in their investments and watch their money grow. However, when a correction [...]

December 23rd, 2017|

Three Growth Stocks For 2018

As an active money manager, I pride myself in finding stocks that I feel can outperform the market and in turn help me outperform for clients. The following are three growth stocks from three different market caps that have strong potential in 2018. 1) LARGE CAP IDEA: Amazon (Symbol: AMZN, current price $1162) – Of all the mega-cap growth stocks, Amazon still has the biggest potential because the retail market they are going after is [...]

December 10th, 2017|

VIDEO: Yahoo Finance Final Round Show 11/28/17

Here is the video clip from my appearance on Yahoo Finance's Final Round show on 11/28/17. I joined host Jen Rogers to discuss the factors that could keep this Bull Market moving higher. I can be reached at:

November 30th, 2017|

Real Vision Interview – September 2016

The following Real Vision interview was filmed on September 28, 2016, before the Presidential election. Prior to posting it here, it was only available through Real Vision's paid subscription site. They allowed me to post it because of its accuracy and they invited me back for another interview soon. I am grateful that many of the calls in the interview turned out to be correct and, to be honest, not much has changed over a [...]

November 21st, 2017|


Carl Icahn is one of the best investors ever. He says in order to be the best at something, you have to be a little obsessed. One thing I am obsessed about is achieving superior returns in the stock market. The first question you might ask is: “Isn’t everyone?” Surprisingly, the answer is no. The majority of people don’t want to put in the work, they are risk averse, and they rarely like to step [...]

November 20th, 2017|
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